Pre-orders for Hunter’s Legacy: Purrfect Edition are now available!
Hello, gamers!
Starting today, pre-orders for Hunter’s Legacy: Purrfect Edition are now live on the Nintendo eShop! The definitive version of Ikki’s quest to stop Morodir is available for just 6.99 USD (6.99 EUR, 134.99 MXN).
Hunter’s Legacy: Purrfect Edition features new story sequences, more character dialogues, new animations, updated level design, a brand new mini-map feature, improved melee combat, and a new game plus mode! We worked to make better everything that you liked from the original game, and made the necessary fixes based on your feedback.
We hope you enjoy your return to Iripur, now on the Nintendo Switch! If this is your first time, however, we wish you safe travels through the dangerous lands in Ikki’s quest. Monsters are everywhere!
Press & content creators: We still got some review codes left! Submit your request to us or through Keymailer now before they’re gone!
On behalf of everyone at Lienzo,
Adolfo Aguirre
PR & Publishing Manager